Foxhole Symphony

God Spots: A Discussion on Encountering His Presence

December 15, 2023 Steve Sargent & Mark Vesper Season 3 Episode 55

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Imagine standing amidst the sublime majesty of the Swiss Alps, or marvelling at the intricate details of a simple flower. That sense of awe, of being humbled by nature's grandeur and beauty, is what Mark and Steve, your hosts, discuss in this episode of Foxhole Symphony. Drawing on their personal stories of encountering God's creation, they touch on the transformative power of embracing solitude. It's a beautiful reminder to slow down, appreciate the natural world, and draw closer to God through it.

Have you ever watched a sunrise or sunset, felt the serenity it brings, and sensed a deeper connection to the divine? That's exactly what Mark and Steve explore in their heartwarming discussion about nature's beauty and our connection with God. Sharing their personal moments of tranquility while watching the sky and the ocean, they also delve into an amusing chat about sound machines and hence, emphasize the joy in appreciating small things in life. It's not just about appreciating the grandeur of nature, but also cherishing the simple, everyday miracles that God gifts us.

Lastly, they venture into the Biblical teachings about finding strength in our weaknesses. Reflecting on the Apostle Paul's writings, the symbolism of the wind as the Holy Spirit, and the comforting words of Psalm 23, they convey the message of embracing our smallness and leaning on God. They close with heartfelt prayers for the podcast to bring hope and healing to listeners. So come along, as we foster authentic relationships, explore the wonder of God's creation, and find strength in our smallness.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Foxhole Symphony, a podcast about the transformational value of men in authentic community and our Foxhole men are equipped to build relationships that foster belonging, accountability and growth. Stop believing the lie that you can thrive in isolation and instead join us on the journey for broken to whole.

Speaker 3:

Hello everyone, they call me the maestro and we are back in the Foxhole where we actively pursue belonging, accountability and growth through authentic relationships. You know the deal no masks, no agendas, just iron, sharpening iron. Well, this is going to be an interesting one. Today, folks Mark and Steve are fired up and ready to go. The weird thing is I see hiking gear, beach chairs and big smiles on their faces. You better hit the pause button and go use the bathroom before we start this journey. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome back to the Foxhole Symphony podcast. My name is Mark Vesper and you are Sarge Good to be with you, hey Bo.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, man. This is. This is another dark, rainy day for us. Recording this is. The weather on recording days has not really been very cooperative. It's a good thing we don't record outside and we just had a brown out we did so.

Speaker 1:

we just had a four second power outage, which made it more interesting Praise.

Speaker 2:

God, it was right before we hit record.

Speaker 1:

Praise God Really. Yeah, that's it. See, if you and I just keep wandering in our conversation which we do and then hit record and let's see what God does, Right. Yeah, yes, that proves that sometimes babbling can be beneficial. Yes, very useful, and I'm staring at the board right now. Go, please, stay on.

Speaker 3:

I want to see green lights, green lights or red in the case of record.

Speaker 1:

So yes, how you doing today.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing well, I'm doing really well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yes, I've been. It's been quite a journey, as, as you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, feeling deeply connected to God and in so many different ways. So that's, that's a tremendous blessing.

Speaker 1:

Interesting how that happens. I was going to say I'm going to say cyclically in our lives. But so funny, we try to control those cycles and God's like still here.

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly, I've been here waiting for you looking at his watch.

Speaker 1:

You're a little late, sarge, no, but it's, it's a, it's a great segue. First of all, yes, it's kind of clammy and cool and wet and you and I, just a few moments ago, talking about our rainy day plan, right, Right, and the word nap, yeah, comes up in our lives and football and couch.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, maybe a little red grapes, but who knows, right, anything's possible, but it it's a good segue to what we wanted to talk about today, because it's all about God and his creation. I I, you know, I'm a big fan, and folks have listened over the last two years. Every now and then we'll come up with some glory for God about his creation something beautiful we saw, or a place we were, a person we were with.

Speaker 1:

Who knows Just so many different ways. I get distracted in a good way by things that God puts in my life. My biggest distractor to that is my pace, my checklist, my not slowing down to see all the beauty that he has. So for today I wanted to talk about our spots. Where are those places? Who are those people? What are the environments you feel closest to him?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And for me that's evolved to a not only appreciating him in. For instance, I was thinking of a vacation I had in Switzerland. We had a place that we were staying with a balcony that looked out on the three Alps the, the, the monk, the version right, the junk row, so there's three names for these three Alps and you're sitting there looking up and if you haven't seen this, or even seen a picture, imagine the bottom is green and grassy, and then there's this brown area for a while and it's snow capped at the top and the sky behind it is an Azure blue, just a, and it's majestic is the only word you can use to describe you feel so small, so fast. They're just you, I think. The mountains like 23,000, 24,000 feet, and Everest is 28.

Speaker 1:

So these are big and I'm sitting there going no, this, this Lord. Thank you Lord. It's an easy one to go, thank you, god. You realize I get on a little spectus, little granite rock off the coast of Maine and Mon Higan, or our island where I got married, and it's it's God in a smaller scale, but there's a big. You stand on one of the cliffs there, looking out at the ocean. I guess that would be Portugal that I'm looking straight out at, or England, I forget which it is and you know, it's just all ocean. There's nothing right, but where your feet are on the edge and and staring out, it's like you, you know, in Florida. I don't want to take away any of your spots, but I Want to honor God in the big and the little, and and I do, I, I, I, I get a chance to do that because of Maria's affinity for flowers. So I could do a whole podcast about Staring at Adalia and looking at the symmetry of that flower going oh, my goodness, mm-hmm. There's just no question there's a God.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so yeah, you hit the nail on the head for me. I mean that that you know there's a couple of different ways. I could go here really, to two different paths. Cool, and one is very much along the lines of what you just said, which is anything Sort of what I would call awe, inspiring creation, right, anything that just makes my jaw drop and acknowledge and recognize so clearly that only God right, like only God could do this and so and you're often showing me in the flowers right Like that, like, look at this, this is unbelievable, right, um, like it can't be an accident right.

Speaker 2:

I have to say that it's a right, really right, right, like somebody didn't design this yeah you know, for me it is so much those that awe inspiring creation is so much about Landscapes, just landscapes. So you know it is. There's. There's three main places where when I feel like I connect with God the most, and it's probably because, as you and our listeners know by now, it's so hard for me to embrace solitude and Just be still. But you're doing better, I am, it's been a tremendous year for that and I God has answered my prayers and is Training me beautifully in that, in that area, and I feel like I've been obedient and really just continuing to seek him and seek him, and seek him and seek him when I have those opportunities or create those opportunities to embrace solitude.

Speaker 2:

But the, the three are first, the mountains. You already mentioned, right that, the sort of white cat mountains and and you know when I say mountains, like Big mountains right now I haven't been to the Alps per se, but certainly you know, you know on the on the Italian side, you know whether it be Chinquaterrae or you know the.

Speaker 1:

Amalfi Coast, or right exactly and and it, it's just awe-inspiring.

Speaker 2:

You know just jaw-dropping right like you, pull over. Yeah, yes, every five seconds. You're like no, no no, but this, look at this. You know same man, you just, you know, I think about you know, riding out, out, out, you know in the western. You know Colorado and you tell me wait, listen on the.

Speaker 2:

East Coast I mean we've got, you know, we've got hills. Let's just face it. We've got more rolling hills than we have mountains. Right, you know, people out out west look at us and they're like, yeah, those, those aren't mountains. You know, I'm sure you're not rocky, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

But you know the Rockies like I, just you know being on a motorcycle out there in Utah, and you know the canyons, the, and again I have to stop and just and breathe and say, lord, my goodness, this is just what a masterpiece you've created.

Speaker 2:

So so that's one that the mountains, two would be the water, just anywhere on on on the water, by the water, and I think it's the, particularly the stillness of the water. If the water's moving or, you know, the waves are crashing, it's a little less so, but a, you know, just stillness Of water, just there's something about that that just calms my heart, calms my soul. Beautiful and, and you know, and especially being out on the water, right, so, being out on the water, being still, whether that be on a paddle board, a kayak, on a boat, nothing else around, no one else around me, and God, out on the water, you know is, is a special, special place, sounds like me at round Valley on a. Yes, my soul is that. One of the things that I do about the water is that I'm just like me at round Valley on a my sup.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, and three and three is this will be no surprise to you, but it's the, it's the sunrise on the beach, and you know I've got a spot. I have a spot, you know, and it's my favorite spot in the world and it's just that's. It's where you know me and Jesus go and have coffee every morning when I'm in that spot and wait for the sunrise, and the earlier the better, the darker the better, because nobody's there. Nobody's there. And you know, as the sun just begins to peak up, um, it's, it's just a, it's a, it's a beautiful time together and just talking and chatting. And then, as the sun comes up, it just reminds me two things that his mercies are new every morning and to that, um, every day is a gift, right? Just the gift of breath in my lungs, the gift of life, that this day that's about to happen is a gift. And how am I gonna steward that? Well, and then, as the sun comes up and I feel the warmth on my face, it just reminds me of just the warmth of his love and grace.

Speaker 2:

And, ironically, this morning's Bible verse of the day. Did you see it? Yes, I have it here. I believe you got it. I have it pulled up. Oh, so I'm 19-1. We didn't talk about it. That's so great, it's amazing. The heavens proclaim the glory of God, the skies display his craftsmanship, hallelujah. And I know, like you're a big sunrise guy, you've talked about it with you and Jack and Maria. You know, in the back here, you know, just really in awe of God's paintbrush, you know, in the sky, that's what it is so hang on, there's so much I could grab back and and and listeners.

Speaker 1:

Just let you know we, as usual, didn't do a lot of prep on this, except me telling you.

Speaker 2:

I showed up and said what are we talking about today?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't see your text, but, but let me so. So we are sunset people here at our house because there's a spot where we can get some. It's early, though, because there's trees and a little hill and so on and so forth, but we do. We got paints, pictures and the pinks and yellows and purples. It's thank God for all the carcinogens in the New Jersey side, because that's where we get our color. I know that because if you go to Key West which I was just there last month it's a very different color. What's so?

Speaker 2:

funny. So Nick just came back from, from Florida. Yeah, and I picked him up the airport the other night and we're driving back and this, the, the sky is magnificent, absolutely magnificent. I think it was when it was Wednesday night, right, and I'm like, oh my gosh, look at this. And he goes. Dad, I forgot to tell you the sunsets in Florida completely different than what we have here and I'm like really.

Speaker 2:

I mean I catch some, but like it's mostly, the sun rises on the East Coast there, but but that's that's so interesting it is, and so, wow, it's great, key West, there is a ritual of sunset.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, Like you, absolutely, you go, yep. So we're staying in the southernmost part of the world, there in US, and you've got to go, you know, 40 minute walk or nine minute Uber to go to the area of Key West where everybody gathers for the ritual of the sunset, ok, and there's like horns going off and the celebration starts. I think actually it's a 24 by seven celebration on that little island, but sunsets there. It took us on there four nights, five days. It wasn't till the third day that we realized, as I would go and get up early to go to the early opening coffee spot to get Ria her coffee People are gathering on the end of the pier behind our resort and I'm look and they're watching the sunrise.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm going all the way across the island to go see sunset with everybody, but here's six people standing there and for two mornings the one by myself and the next one I got Ria up and we went out and watched the sunrise. It's a whole. Sunrise is a whole different thing. There's something about seeing that purplish orange slice and when you take a picture it's hysterical to me.

Speaker 1:

You take a picture of a sunrise and you show it to somebody. Go, oh, what a beautiful sunset.

Speaker 3:

Because they can't tell right way the sun is going right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's one. And then the water thing. You were talking about the stillness of the water. It just makes me think how much you can appreciate the same thing differently. But for me it's crashing waves and babbling Brooks Interesting. Those two sounds put me in a trance. That's why if I'm on the beach, first of all I can't sit for long. But if it's kind of quiet no boomboxes, no kids, etc. And I just hear crashing waves, I'm out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We have noise or sound machines all over the house because of my son's tinnitus, yeah, and most of them are waves crashing or babbling Brooks or or birds, but we have waves crashing in the house everywhere I sleep with it next to. That's our sound at night. So that that gift from God. I don't need to see it, I don't need to be on the beach, but I have that sound in for years now, unfortunately, because of the tinnitus. For years we have the sound of the ocean, yeah, all the time.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of sound machines, you and I were on a mission trip to Mexico, I don't know. This is 15 years ago. This is embarrassing. And I had a sound machine at the time and I had rain, you know, and we're in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the desert with two other guys in the room, dave and Dennis Squirrel, and in the middle of the night somebody gets up to close the windows Because they thought it was storming out.

Speaker 1:

It was pretty funny at the moment, it was hysterical. Yeah, why are you waking up?

Speaker 2:

It's raining, it's raining.

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's not raining, it's not raining in the desert, sorry to say I have to admit and I have I never saw a sound machine prior to that. Yeah, ever, yeah, rain, right your start.

Speaker 3:

So good, it was so great.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to go back to sunset by the pool, because this is a, this is another God's sighting for us In my effort to slow down. One of the things the Vespers do really well is that kind of appreciation and, because of how my pool is situated, I'll often spend times with my son, jack, sitting out there and we can do quiet pretty well. You know, might be distracted on our phones or something, but we don't have to be yacking the entire time. But, without fail, we'll sit in the barca loungers or the lounge chairs, patio chairs, and look up at the sky of clouds, and we always do. Hey, that looks like a right, you know.

Speaker 1:

The truth is Jack and I are not having deep philosophical, theological discussions, right, but he does appreciate creation. He knows God is behind that. His, his faith isn't where I would prefer it would be, but he has faith. But we will take that time to just be and enjoy something that moves as quickly as the cloud, right, because once you see a cloud in a certain shape and say it looks like that, it lasts about 30 seconds, and then the balloon becomes a checkerboard or something else. So that's just another way we've come to appreciate everything from the majestic sublime, the tropical beach.

Speaker 1:

I'm not really a tropical guy but I love walking on the beach with Rhea and that's solitude we get. It's a spot for us when we think go to the beach it is not to sit on the beach, I mean, we bring our beach chairs because you, you kind of do you know the strap on Tommy Bahama backpack chair? Sure, right, we have ours. Yep, costco, right, but we walk like endless walks on the beach are our favorite. And I would tell you at the same time, we have stood on Utah beach, normandy, france, just by example. So think of the sublime tropical beach that you love, your spot. Switch gears. For me as a military history guy, yeah, go to Utah Beach. It's a quiet beach. Today, 1944, not so much right, right, a whole different environment in that type of beach Spoke a whole different song to my heart and more of thankful for my freedom. Thank you, thanks, lord.

Speaker 2:

Can I? Yeah, let me grab that for a second, because that's exactly what came to mind. You're talking about some of the activity, the clouds that you know, togetherness and looking at things you know I love. I Love, you know, whether it's riding motorcycles through the mountains or hiking. I mean, I'm a hiker, I love to be just, you know, moving, and I think I it does help me connect with God because it's just there's.

Speaker 2:

I have a heart of gratitude, right, I have a heart of gratitude, and so it. However, it's a little different than you know the stillness, you know, it's like like there's the gratitude and and that just makes me, you know, the joy of the Lord rise up in me, which is a beautiful thing. But as far as hearing from the Lord and Connecting with him in that way, that just requires utter Solitude and stillness for me, and so they're almost two sort of different types of connection with God. Right, for example, you know, a lot of people connect with God through worship and just and praise, just, pray, right, and again, that's that heart of gratitude you know, sort of giving back to the Lord, blessing his holy name through through praise him and worship and song and and all these different things.

Speaker 2:

So so, with that said, the other path for me, right, there's sort of the you know, the awe-inspiring creation, yep, and the heart of gratitude, as well as the stillness. But then there's the connecting with God through painful circumstances and suffering, and you know, I Often will say I've never Connected more closely with God or felt his presence than in the lowest, darkest valleys of my life, and I've often Strived to get back there, without, of course, wanting, you know. I mean, right, can Lord, can I have that feeling without?

Speaker 1:

the circumstances.

Speaker 2:

Right and but the reality is, when I stop and think of it, it's because I've come to the end of myself in full surrender and I'm completely still waiting on God say it.

Speaker 1:

I know what you're gonna say. What you've been saying at the last week or so it's been on your heart and a lot what? And now God can get started.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, it's true. And then God says and now we can be, eating that because you're saying it so much, yes, and, and it is so true. So, like you know, yeah, do we want those? Like no, but the, the connection with God and his presence and his movement, regardless of how it pans out and plays out, god just shows up and so you know that's a whole nother avenue, right, it's just a whole nother path. But for me, yeah, connecting with God in those moments has been ongoing throughout my life.

Speaker 1:

What does our brother Paul say from Tarsus? Paul about weakness and strength right when I am weak, he is strong, he is strong his strength through me, right, right, what you see in me, paul said is his strength.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I'm wiped. Yeah, I'm empty. As you would say, I got nothing. Exactly, my most comfortable, balanced place to be is about a 75 degree day, with the sun shining on my face and a cool breeze blowing. That combination of things that, that breeze, that wind is perfect. And I'd be remiss if I didn't say, in all the things I talked about, from majestic to tiny to to the Ladybug on the, the peonies right, the ants on the peonies, right, from the biggest from Alps to the smallest, if there's wind, I'm in yeah.

Speaker 1:

I love the breeze, the the strength of the wind. Now I realized sometimes that strength does a lot of damage in storms. But I'm talking about God's the Ruach I've talked to you about the. Holy Spirit through the wind of the Spirit. Yeah, I play together the fact that I don't know where it came from. I don't know where it's going. Yeah, I Can't. I can't take control of the wind, and that might be it. I'm just processing this now, but I love that.

Speaker 2:

Yes. So my family has two sayings that they constantly repeat back to me because I've said it so many times. Well, not that I've said, one I've said and the other one they just remind me of. But one is they have a saying it's always an adventure with Steve. Yeah, because it's just, and it's not always a positive, it's like it's always an adventure with Steve, right, like. But the other one is the breeze makes all the difference and I've said this for years, right.

Speaker 2:

I look every time we're, you know. Yeah, wherever right by the water or something You're like in the heat of the summer. You know I'll look at my family as they the kids were growing. I'm like, doesn't the breeze just make all the difference? I just the slightest little breeze, because if you don't have it In the, the hot New Jersey Sun on the beach or Delaware or wherever right Florida, it's sweltering, but if you just have that slightest breeze, it's. It's really so funny and it's everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Right that I mean it's hard not to have some breeze. It come on still that happens still. This is awkward, right that that, like I, live in the forest right, so it's not hard. You just look at the trees. Which way is the wind blowing in West? You look at them, the leaves Russell, exactly, they move for you, right, but there's, there's something about that and I think, I think it ultimately comes down to my comfortability with feeling small.

Speaker 2:

So I you know and I've been you know that Psalm 23 has been just on my mind and on my heart now for more than a month, and I've just been reciting it. You made me look it up this morning down your, your comments.

Speaker 1:

I mean I know I had to read it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's just because of the stillness, the God's creation, the smallness are. You know, I've been talking about embracing my sheepness, right? I know we talked about this in a prior episode and you were like, is that a word? No, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

It is now she pattoed sheepness.

Speaker 2:

You know sheep ability.

Speaker 2:

This is our apology but you know, like, yes, I'm, I'm small and I don't need to be my protector, my provider. Like when, when I'm not striving, I'm no longer striving, I'm just resting in him and his plans. You know, he is my shepherd, I have all that I need. You know the creation part. He lets me rest in green meadows, he leads me beside peaceful streams, peaceful waters, right, he renews my strength, he guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. And then, even when I walk through the darkest valleys, I will not be afraid. I mean all, all of this. It's like that. That is our, our connection with God, like when we're in that space, when we acknowledge that he's the shepherd, whether it's with a heart of gratitude for his creation or the little we have, that's not ours anyway, it's all his, the breath in our lungs, the things that we really need, right, yes, and even in the darkest valleys, when we could, which is probably when we're most grateful for those things that we really need, right, it's perspective.

Speaker 1:

So do you think David knew how much we would need this one? I mean, I think somebody did, I got one, I got a song.

Speaker 2:

Listen to this.

Speaker 1:

This is good. I've been working on this one all night, couldn't sleep. It is, it's classic, good. I want to. I want to stick with, stick with small. You know how I have this tendency to insert myself into biblical narrative like.

Speaker 1:

I just kind of walk behind Jesus and his disciples and kind of be there. I was thinking of an example for the podcast about feeling small, and that leapt into my mind as, as I'm often Walking with Paul and maybe Silas, timothy, john Mark, just on one of the missionary journeys Um, you know, turkey, I ran it. I want to go to Italy. So I'm with him on the third one when he gets over to Italy and Really I try to imagine what the culture was like, what, what was happening at the time, what was it like to have run the Romans just killing you, you know, and and just thinking that through what.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to go down that rabbit hole too far, but I I do picture myself there, I picture listening, I picture learning a picture, what. What would it be like to be a follower 2,000 years ago? Yeah, easy to feel pretty small in it, but it allows me to zoom out. I mean, I know that part of Europe and the world pretty well and I can pull myself back and and start looking at earth and then our solar system and when I say his creation, just work with the known world that we know the planets. Whether you believe in an eight or nine Doesn't matter, but it's so easy to feel small.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Quickly yeah, if you have that perspective, if the lens you look at things is one that you know, god sent men and a man, his son, to do things for us. We have a three-year history of all the years in the world, all the recorded history, all the the notes, all the things we crave in the Bible, right Psalm 23, men did this, we're, we're in a. It quickly Brings me to my knees, maybe not physically, but Emotionally. I'm on my knees, going like thank you. The gratitude factor For that smallness and and that perspective for me is just off the chart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's One of my favorite mental spots. We've been talking about physical places, things that we appreciate, but close my eyes and insert myself Back up and take a look at it, it's like, yeah, the story I mean, bro, it requires tremendous faith. I realize what we're talking about. Some people might be listening, going what Mm-hmm? What happened, mm-hmm, but the Bible story is so imprinted on my heart and I believe so thoroughly that it's easy to go straight to gratitude and humility. Yeah things that I'm trying to work on right now in my life, so it's it's great For me absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, listen they. These are Lots of opportunities to connect with God. It's it's all about Perspective awareness, stillness, smallness, all the things we've talked about right and rejoicing and heart posture right. Just and and seeking. I mean seeking. At the end of the day, if we're not seeking, him Probably won't find him.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, he could knock your.

Speaker 2:

Whatever it's a boy for he could, but it's, you know, again, like we could say, oh, like you know that that was just the universe, you know, I mean it's, you know, it's like a or the metaverse a giant game of hide and seek right. If you know, I was the kid that used to go hide and nobody would ever come find me right. Is it no kidding? But Seriously, it's like if you're not looking. So you know, he says ask, seek, knock Right.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yeah, this. This is great for me, the, the fact I get a chance just to sit with you quiet, you know, quietly, headphones on, can't hear anything else that's happening out there. But we've developed Some of the muscles, of all the muscles we work on in our bodies. We're developing some of those spiritual, emotional muscles of of Dedicating time to saying thank you, to being appreciative, to rejoicing in creation. I invite, I mean, everyone, take it, take your time. Yeah, find your spot. Yep, you know, I was with somebody last night who said you know, my prayer life is like Lord, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, squirrel. You know, and this is a brother that I know is faithful, sure, but his prayer life right now is full of distractions. There's a ton of stuff going on and I'm finding that right now in our lives, in the world, dude, it's a layer cake of stress and anxiety and depression and hurt and, holy crap, there are joys, but right now, in the last few months, it just feels heavy to me. There's a lot heaviness in the world. What's happening in Israel and and elsewhere, it's, it's messy, it is, and he spoke to that last night. He goes I can't, I can't put a minute together To focus on my God, and he was saying it in sadness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so so hard, so hard. It really does require such deep faith and trust that he Remains on the throne, that he's sovereign and, spite of it all, in spite of what we see right in front of us, that you know he's still on the throne. Yeah, he's still on the throne and is praiseworthy.

Speaker 1:

I got one other thing, and this when I was thinking about this episode I actually wrote this down realize what was missing, like where's it, where's a beauty, where's a spot that I'd like to see, god, that I need to work on, because you know I always need something to do. This it was with people. I realize my one of my greatest shortcomings is seeing beauty in people. I'm judgmental and I judge them by how they look, how they talk, how they act. Their imperfections Come to my mind very quickly. It makes me sad to even say it out loud, but it's the truth, yeah, and At the same time.

Speaker 2:

Can I just challenge that for a second? I understand what you're saying and that's something that's an area I can absolutely grow as well. However, we both would probably sit here and say that we absolutely connect with God Through our authentic Christian relationships. Absolutely right, and so you know, I think of our foxholes, that the various foxholes that we, you know, are in and you know we connect with God through each other. And so, yes, it's, it's, it's both and right it is.

Speaker 1:

And well, I've got Alps and I've got ladybugs on on P&E's right, I'm going on those of my two extremes, from big to small. There there is a small group of people I've selected that I don't judge, but I it's not. It's not my default.

Speaker 3:

Yeah brainwave.

Speaker 1:

but I don't know. I'm sorry, yeah for the words here. I just I wanted to say that I've got work to do.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm willing to do it and and I want to simply appreciate the children of God, my brothers and sisters, better. Yeah, I want to make them. I want to do this in a year with you and say you know what I've come? I've come this far in that I want to appreciate that person who's handicapped. I want to appreciate that person who has, you know, some, some mental issues. I want to appreciate this person who's I see as an emotional puddle that I can't find any joy from. You know, I don't my, it's not my first reaction, but I can, yeah, and I should and I will yep, good, we're gonna.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna pray for that soft heart of compassion. And yeah, yep, seeing cuz I seek it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, remember you asked me Yep not too long ago. What do you need?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I hate when you do that. Yeah, and one of the things was compassion. Yep need to feel loved, yep, and it seems only right, amen, that I could get it and give it. Yeah, as Mike would.

Speaker 2:

pro quo, there it is again, that's a whole nother episode.

Speaker 1:

So great to talk to you about God's beauty, you too, and all the beautiful things. You too, brother. I agree, by the way, with your family, with Sarge. It is always an adventure, for better or worse. Baby and and the breeze.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely matters. It does makes all the different, all the difference.

Speaker 3:

I love it.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks, this was a fun conversation, folks. Thanks for listening, and I would ask you who's in your foxhole and where are you connecting with God? Find your spot and don't just be you. Be you in Christ, listen. God bless you, peace.

Speaker 3:

Today's summary is going to be an easy one. It was written over 2,000 years ago by an imperfect man who loved the Lord and expertly communicated God's glory in ways that transcend time and cultures, and I'm not going to try to summarize it any better Psalm 148. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the heights. Praise Him all His angels. Praise Him all His hosts. Praise Him sun and moon. Praise Him all you shining stars. Praise Him in you highest heavens and you waters above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created and he established them forever and ever. He gave a decree and it shall not pass away.

Speaker 3:

Praise the Lord from the earth. You great sea creatures in all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling His word. Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, beasts and all livestock, creeping things and flying birds, kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth, young men and maidens together, old men and children. Let them praise the Lord, for His name alone is exalted, for His majesty is above earth and heaven. He has raised up a horn for His people. Praise for all His saints For the people of Israel who are near to Him, praise the Lord. Lord, please continue to use this podcast to impact the lives of all who listen. I ask that you would bring hope and healing to each and every one of them. Meet them right where they are and reveal yourself to them like only you can do. In Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

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